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Toa Onua

"Canisters containing the Toa washed up on the shores of Mata Nui. The Toa had almost no memory of their lives before arriving on Mata Nui.

Onua is at home below ground. With his huge hands he scrapes out tunnels in the rocky cliffs over Papu Niho Reef. His low, squat body and head allow him to move quickly in tunnels and his infrared eyes give him amazing night vision. In daylight his eyesight is poor, although he compensates with amazingly powerful hearing. He is slower on open land than underground, but has incredible strength and surprising dexterity. Onua is at one with the land. He can hear trouble coming from miles away, and on occasion can even persuade the landscape to do his bidding-which is very useful when under attack.

The Toa have been mutated into Toa Nuva, and have since been on adventures to the island of Artakha. They are now in Karda Nui attempting to save the life of the Great Spirit Mata Nui."